Camera Bits Photo Mechanic 4.6.4 — фотобраузер и фоторедактор
оперативно обрабатывающий тысячи снимков в одиночном и пакетном режимах,
отбирает из них самые удачные, обрезает, добавляет информацию к фото,
рейтинг, корреспондируется с цифровыми камерами, интегрируется со
многими редакторами в т.ч. Adobe Photoshop, позволяет легко
экспортировать данные. Предназначена для профессиональных фотографов,
фотокорреспондентов обрабатывающих огромные массивы фотоцифровой
информации и ограниченных по времени.
умолчанию загруженные изображения просматриваются в виде набора
уменьшенных образцов: при наведении мыши на снимок в данном режиме
появляются управляющие кнопки, с помощью которых несложно мгновенно
развернуть изображение, переключиться к его полноэкранному просмотру
либо перейти к редактированию IPTC-данных. Photo Mechanic ориентирован на отображение миниатюр изображений и
импорт снимков с цифровых камер, однако с таким же успехом они могут
загружаться с жесткого диска. Пользователь может быстро вращать,
просматривать, копировать, удалять, помечать и переименовывать
фотографии и добавлять к ним ключевые слова. Photo Mechanic поможет найти лучшую фотографию среди нескольких похожих снимков.
Возможна отправка уменьшенных копий изображений по электронной почте, создание слайд-шоу или web-галереи, загрузка снимков на PhotoShelter, вывод на печать.
Утилита позволяет копировать изображения с нескольких флэш-карт
одновременно, разложить по каталогам, используя IPTC метаданные (город,
государство, фамилию фотографа, авторские права и т.д.), создать
резервную копию на другом жестком диске и переименовать файлы — всего за
один шаг! Основные функции:
● Быстрая сортировка и поиск фотографий;
● Просмотр в полноэкранном режиме, в режиме сравнения похожих снимков или слайд-шоу;
● Присваивание тегов изображениям;
● Групповые операции со снимками: переименование, назначение ключевых слов, ресайз, отправка по электронной почте;
● Автоматическая конверсия снимков для использования в веб;
● Корректная цветопередача, согласно профилям для поддерживаемых моделей цифровых камер;
● Оптимизация под многопроцессорные системы. Дополнительные возможности:
● Поворот JPEG файлов без потери качества.
● Exif информация о файле.
● Тег файлов во время просмотра слайдов презентации.
● Структурирование по ключевым словам (CV)
● Возможность указания GPS координат в окне, используя Google Maps.
● Четкость картинки на дисплее.
● Полная поддержка IPTC4XMP характеристики — UTF-8.
● Задавать цветовой или 5-звездный рейтинг.
● Встроенная проверка правописания позволяет создавать точные IPTC подписи.
● Запись IPTC подписи с возможностью выбора языка.
● Новые настройки мультипросмотра миниатюр фото.
Интеграция с Photoshop и быстрая навигация сделали Photo Mechanic популярной среди фотожурналистов и профессиональных фотографов всего мира. Основное новшество в версии 4.6.4: поддержка RAW файлов с камер
Olympus PEN-серии E-PL1 и E-P2, плагин для для взаимодействия с TIFF
файлами Phase One по аналогиии с RAW, корректная работа фото в
Photoshop CS5. и т.д. Нового в этой версии много — полный текст на
английском — ниже...
Camera Bits Photo Mechanic is a photo "browser" designed with speed and ease of use in mind. You can call it a "photo editor"
as well. But unlike other photo editing programs that are designed to
work with one photo at a time in order to edit its pixels, Photo Mechanic is designed to work with groups of photos together in order to manage them. Professional photo editors
who handle lots of photos daily, often under deadline, understand this
distinction. Their job involves selecting photos, not selecting pixels. Photo Mechanic takes the work out of workflow Fast Sort — Photo Mechanic helps you quickly find
your best shots. Custom sorting methods are available for your
particular workflow. Multithreaded software works in the background to
keep ahead of you, so images appear blazingly fast. You can view your
originals full screen, compare similar shots side by side, delete the
bad shots, tag photos while watching a slide show, and sort your keepers
into multiple folders. Fast Workflow — Work with batches of Photos to: Import Photo Mechanic's powerful Ingest utility lets you copy
images from several flash cards simultaneously, flatten the directory
structure, apply IPTC metadata (City, State, Photographer's name,
Copyright, etc.), create a backup on a separate hard drive and rename
your files — all in one step! The ability to open a Contact Sheet during
ingest allows you to start editing your files immediately, no more
having to wait until the copy process is complete. Edit
You can quickly rotate, preview, copy, delete, tag, watermark, rename,
resize, and add IPTC meta-data to photos both individually and in
batches. Adjust capture dates and times, change a files resolution, or
embed an ICC profile into your JPEGs. Lock previews and pan them around
together to compare details efficiently. Manually arrange photos in an
arbitrary order, including across multiple folders. Annotate Photo Mechanic makes it easy to add common "IPTC" (or
meta-data) information (like city, state, keywords, and caption) to
groups of photos at once. Reduce time and improve accuracy when
captioning files by using the Code Replacement feature. Output
Create web galleries, print contact sheets, transfer photos to an FTP server or upload them to an online service such as PhotoShelter. Send photos to your clients via email, or archive your keepers by burning them to CDs or DVDs. Configure it your way - Put image meta-data to work to customize
your results. Do you want to include shutter speed, aperture and caption
information with your prints or web page (and sometimes the date and
city, but never the time)? Rename files by photographer & state?
Sort photos by city or date? Automatically convert the color profile for
web photos so they look their best and stay small? Configure your own
preferences or stay with the friendly defaults. Photo Mechanic v4.6.4 adds support for Raw files from Olympus' E-PL1 and E-P2 PEN-series cameras, as well as a plugin that allows Phase One TIFF files to be treated similarly to Raw files.
The new version also includes a wide variety of feature changes and bug
fixes for both platforms. Notable changes include improved XMP loading
speed courtesy of multithreading, improved core replacement parsing, and
proper detection of Nikon's extended ISO sensitivities, as well as
fixes for various issues when loading files greater than 2GB, and for
uploading images to ZenFolio or SmugMug. Photo Mechanic also now saves
its preferences more often to prevent loss of preferences during
unexpected shutdowns.
Courtesy of Camera Bits, a full list of changes made in the new release is as follows.
• Added a plugin for PhaseOne TIFF (RAW) files so that they are treated as RAW files and will allow the use of XMP sidecar files.
• Added support for RAW files from the Olympus E-P2 and E-PL1.
• PM Classic Exporter template now can generate hierarchical galleries
with an index page. Just open a single contact sheet with multiple
folders and each folder will be represented in a separate gallery.
• Variables and Code Replacements now support multiple levels of
indirection. You can now create a code that maps to a replacement that
includes variables, which expand to another code, etc.
• Ingest's Folder Name field now supports using variables as codes for
Code Replacement where the replacements contain folder hierarchies. For
example, by using {mediatype} as a code, one can cause video files to be
copied to a different path than the path for still photos (e.g. videos
go into a separate folder with DCIM folder hierarchy needed by some
software like Canon's E-1 plug-in for Final Cut).
• When using the "Revert TIFF-based RAW to original" command, if
the option to backup to an XMP sidecar file is checked then the
end-of-file preferences added by Photo Mechanic will also be removed
from the RAW file and stored in the XMP sidecar. This end-of-file data
was causing checksums (such as MD5) to fail when compared to the
checksum of the original RAW file.
• To be consistent, Photo Mechanic no longer loads ACR crops in XMP for
RAW files (it used to only load these if the crop angle was 0). Photo
Mechanic now uses its own namespace for loading and saving crops in XMP.
• Fixed various issues when handling images with file sizes greater than 2GB.
• Fixed an issue in the Zenfolio uploader that made it impossible to
upload photos to galleries containing the '&' character.
• Added an interim fix for SmugMug uploading issues.
• Improved speed of loading XMP during scanning by allowing multiple threads to access XMP simultaneously.
• Renaming files without using renaming variables like {seqn} is now
allowed as long as all renamed files will have unique names.
• Fixed an issue when renaming with {variables} that evaluate to invalid filename characters.
• Code Replacement code parsing is now more intelligent.
• Codes in Code Replacement are now trimmed of whitespace before being loaded for evaluation.
• Fixed an issue with very large files (>2GB) and the use of the {filesize} variable.
• Fixed an issue in the HTML Template Exporter where the last selected
image's variables would be expanded as if it were the first selected
• Extended range ISO values (Lo and Hi) for Nikon cameras such as the D3S are now recognized to derive high (and low) {iso} values such as 102,400.
• Inline renaming on Contact Sheet thumbnails now accepts the use of {variables}.
• Corrected an issue where the Ingest sequence variable would not be
evaluated correctly for unknown file types during Ingest. Now other
variables like date-related variables can also be used with unknown file
types during Ingest.
• Using variables in the form of {variable:N,M} in the Keywords field no
longer causes the variable to be interpreted incorrectly when the comma
character is used as the keyword separator.
• Photo Mechanic Preferences are now saved far more often to correct issues where improper shutdown would cause a loss of preferences.
• Photo Mechanic Disk Cache parent path is no longer created if
it does not already exist. This is now an error condition and the user
will be prompted to choose a new valid path. Windows-specific changes:
• Improved speed and control of scrolling while drag-selecting images or arranging photos in the contact sheet.
• Launching photos into Photoshop CS5 on Windows now works properly.
• Added code to retry renaming to workaround virus scanning applications
that temporarily take exclusive control of files while they scan them.
• Fixed an issue where a message box would appear warning that "A
parameter is incorrect" when interacting with the Ingest dialog's
'Folder sequence' value if Autocomplete was enabled.
• It is no longer possible to leave the modal state of a copy operation.
• In the Structured Keywords windows, creating a new item now preselects it for editing.
System requirements: Windows® XP/ Vista /7 Интерфейс: English